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Showing posts from May, 2011

My Unpredictable World ...

Everybody is busy with their own work, no matter what time it is. Working towards progress to achieve something and some of them are forgoing their life for the sake of their kids. Rich and poor both scales are struggling on in their levels. Prayer calls, people in mosque, students in class and us watching all these. A day consists of the better and the bitter. I build up my mind from those two components, the better and the bitter. I had such awful nightmares and some awesome experiences. Sometime back I had a very strong belief over my opinion over my perspective that it is the best and yeah most of the time it is. My view might be the right idea but there might be some answers better than mine. And the great thing is they prove their ideas by working it.  I was never keen about getting married in a early age and when my friend got ready to be hubby I advised him on this topic, I said he should think again before getting married, I said he is gonna miss his young days, I said i...

The First Year… was wowing

Blogger has gone down in past few months but let’s hope that it will rise back in no time. So this month it’s my blog anniversary, and in its first year I have posted total fifty posts. I think that’s enough for a year but this year I am gonna target around twenty five posts. Since there aren’t any excitements like the first year and also there are no many things to write, I will try to get something good and then after the final touches I will post it. It might take a month or a week, but I won’t be posting till something comes or forms up in my mind. My last post was a very different post than the posts I usually do. The last post was the 50 th post so I want to make it a lil bit different, Coincidently the Bin Laden death story raised in the very same time so I just tried to focus on some great news’s of Osama Bin Laden. Sometime back when I met Dhona she asked me “Hws life” and I said that it suks, in reply Dhona said that I am one person she knows who’s life is all time Fucked u...

is he living in the moon ??

The most dangerous conspiracy file ever opened, the biggest man hunt ever done, and he is the most wanted man in human history. The leader and the founder of the most wanted gang Al-Qaeda. His face is known, his biography is known and he is living among us yet for more than a decade Osama Bin Laden has managed to evade the world’s greatest super powers. There have been rumors about him since 9/11 and along with it there are some real stories. After not being heard of him for nine long years people started to believe that he is no more, yes it maybe true since there have been rumors about Bin Laden that he got kidney treatments in American hospital in UAE but there are no clear proof of it. In November 2001 Bin Laden was seen for the last time in public in eastern Afghanistan in Jalal Abad. “Hamid Mir” is the man who conducted the last interview of Bin Laden, as said by him, they gave him some pills to loose his stomach and he had to take hot water baths for 10 times and than he was b...