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My Unpredictable World ...

Everybody is busy with their own work, no matter what time it is. Working towards progress to achieve something and some of them are forgoing their life for the sake of their kids. Rich and poor both scales are struggling on in their levels. Prayer calls, people in mosque, students in class and us watching all these. A day consists of the better and the bitter. I build up my mind from those two components, the better and the bitter. I had such awful nightmares and some awesome experiences.

Sometime back I had a very strong belief over my opinion over my perspective that it is the best and yeah most of the time it is. My view might be the right idea but there might be some answers better than mine. And the great thing is they prove their ideas by working it.  I was never keen about getting married in a early age and when my friend got ready to be hubby I advised him on this topic, I said he should think again before getting married, I said he is gonna miss his young days, I said it will be headache but against my word he got married in early 20 and he proved it successful and now he is a daddy too. But as I said now he is missing a part of lifetime and it’s a headache though he doesn’t admit it. My view was never wrong neither his view was wrong he succeeded but with the odds.

From that day onwards I kept that thing in my mind, there are ways for everything, right ways and bad ways and even there might be multiple right ways but you got to hold on the better, but you will taste the bitterness of the path someday but that’s the way how it is as there are disadvantages in advantages too.

My dad and me are always against each other, his views and my views never comes to the same point so we had to argue for a long time and finally I got my room and shifted aside 2 and a half years ago. He loves me and I love him too but if he want me to be an engineer or a technician than sorry dad. I’m not the one to be doing that, just because my dad is one of the finest engineer and technician in Maldives I don’t need to be following him. It’s obvious, two people have different mind and different style so I’m saying it clearly that those engineering things are not for me. Money comes from the dirt so I guess politics is the best way to win money.

At times dad is funny, he is angry for the reason that I don’t fell in a deep relationship. He wants me to be with a good girl hehe… but I’m a boy and according to Sharia I don’t need to tell him about my marriage, I can tell him if I want and if I don’t than let it be. At this age I don’t want to go through a deep relationship, it’s time for fun not for caring. Mom cares about me so I guess for now I don’t need a girl to be caring me. A caring girl is good but along with it comes a headache too.

Some people just jumps into a relation for some bang bang sexology, if that’s the case than there are ways for me to bang bang with good friends and it’s easy since I don’t need to jump to a relation with them.  When considering a relationship, banging is never my first priority. Living a life with me, that’s my priority. So dad’s view is good and mine too but for now I’m not being able to find that lady.

A day of sunshine and a day of rain, a day of joy and a day of dispirit.  My ways are perfect but watch out its spiky since there are no easy ways to win.  The furthermost memory I have is from the first day to school, a day from 1993 summer. Mom took me to school and on the way she almost changed my mind towards school so I was like very excited to see the place but unfortunately when I saw my teacher… O my god! a black lady with a wicked hair, “MUMMY” I cried out loud and cried out for help and fortunately the principle saw me and he asked my mom to take me to a class where I am happy so that day I was working around the school to figure out the best class. Finally after hours I found a very nice hot teacher fair as a peach, straight long black hair and she was smiling at me so I ran and jumped to her arms. Hmmmm felt like a hot nap anyway mom registered me in that class and I named my teacher “Fair Aunty” and from that day on wards till today, after 18 years whenever I see her, I call her “Fair Aunty” and she love me.

So those golden days from 90’s were the most memorable days of my life, the things that goes around and the people around us were totally different from today. There are some specific objects from 90’s which are very memorable tools like Bicycle, Kites and an interval bottle which seems like a Binocular. 

Our family is one heck of a family that’s sticks together… some people are just too lazy to find out who their cousins are and some are aware but don’t even recognize them but unlike them we recognize a huge part of our family… from cousins to 2nd and 3rd cousins and thank god that we all stick together like sisters and brothers. And it’s huge, from both sides I got 31 cousins. I love them all and they all love me too, I think so. Though we all live in different parts of the world at last we are connected by internet…  I am happy that I was born in a digital age with all these technologies.

When it comes to technology I really like to experiment things up like unscrewing my PC and checking inside it and breaking it and again rebuilding it… and unscrewing my bike and trying to figure out what’s inside it and it goes weirdly long and long… in doing that you get to learn a lot, see now I can fix my mobile without any help of my dad, Isn’t that great.

Like that there are some amazing talents in me like graffiti in everywhere, painting whatever, riding anything, gaming to the extreme, long distance swimming, guessing your thoughts, talking unstoppable and mentally reacting fast and slow and never getting panic since there is the light of hope and also I can figure out the size of bra wears by seeing it…. well that’s called a super power. With great powers come great responsibilities… by the way Spiderman’s uncle said that.

I am really really sad that my teeny teeny years are getting over in no time. But you all teeny teeny bloggers please please don’t treat me like an old pal. I am no grandpa yet,, surly I’ll match your expectations… surely I’ll wear pinky pinky T shirts and eat choco chocolates and try to keep my mind like a teeny teeny.


  1. hey little boy LOL... ur acting like a child,
    eating lotte ka choco pies everytime. well this post is much funny than the other posts.. im impressed about u.. specially your behaviour with fair aunty.. haha lol. ur always in a dirty mind.. hehehe,,,,Btw this makes me laugh.. lol xD, hw dare are u... ur measuring the sizes of bra. can u measure ur pennis.. haha LOL

  2. wtf !! zaison...

    is that the best comment from a islamic blogger??

    k nw wen u've commnted here is the answr...

    am a kid im not pretending to be one and whats all that about pie's,, i hate it... i like choco chocolates keke.

    n about fair aunty,, she is fair n hot coz she is hott. so i jus gav a compliment it dosn mean that im a dirty minded boy....

    n about measurig... dontcha dare say a single bad word in my blog... in fact u gotta say sorry for that P****s word and as i said its a super power =P

  3. i didnt say ur kid anymore.. but ur acting like a kid.. i didnt know that this blog have rules. and abt tht word it doesnt mean any bad word.. whatever, u can figure out sizes of bra's... hw garls will think tht..???? so i never mind.

  4. The post is great.I'm really impressed too, But i did notice some things that you have mentioned about you is little bit hard to accept as a close friend of yours.Hehe anyways keep up the good work.

    One thing your not a kid anymore, A grown ass men, lol.. so better to leave the kiddy style n look forward for a better life..

  5. @ Zaison = oh.. ur trying to shw me the point of view of a lady... umm then its k man but if it is said by a lady not u... u Gay

    n yh ma blog stands on my principles n rulez

    @ Modeson Mode =
    there are two sides of a coin...
    i know unscrewing n screwing is ur job but for me its not a job its a hobby that i rarely do... since i dont get enough time for it...

    n btw this is ur first comment on my blog
    as the author i welcome u as a reader...

  6. alryt.. thats not what i was accepting from you..
    by the way im not gay.. remember this in your mind.!!!.
    i just said it like that.. i just mean does not matter.!!

    so i will say im SORRY for that. nd whatever i did to you..
    hope you will appreciate,..
    looking forward.

  7. @ Zaison =
    Jazzakallah Hairan

    hmm thats the comment i want to hear from a Islamic blogger

    Looking really really forward

  8. Love this post. It's good to keep some of the kiddyness with you when you grow up ;)

  9. @ Ne3 = Thankx... lookin forward.

    @ Haiko = hvnt heard from you in a while but i am happy that u still maintain a gud blog relation with me... n thankx for the comment,,
    waiting for ur update :)

  10. where the hell does my comment go .. ? ?
    nyways .. why is it that ur post happens to be so long that i sleep off reading half of it eh .. Its a very gud post .. and i must say ..u've got grt talents eh .. and one more thing .. ur teeny teeny years may go but ur heart can always remain the same ... yu kno .. Dil toh bachcha hai ji .. and 31 couxins .. oh my gawd .. i never even though of counting .. there are so many ..

  11. nwadayz google is kinda waste of time to mess wit...

    cox dhon ur sleepy =P
    u nyd to feel it wen u read it keke
    nd thanks dhonn for trying to cmmnt on my blog multiple times hehe...

    ek to kum zindagani usse bi kum he jawani lolxxzzzZZ


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