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When the fun times are scattered away I sit alone at the side of the road watching the people pass by me as time, Insha Allah still conscious after a packet of smoke, being able to stop the tears from pouring down to waste. It’s not easy to smile every day, it’s not easy to let go off. I fear of a day I might cry, I fear of a day where I might not find my everlasting smile so at times I let myself feel the scream of thousands of people dying every day. As much as I try to keep myself enjoyed I feel the pain, as I said it’s not easy to smile every day, you can’t just forget about everything. I know I can’t even crack a nut but least I feel sad for some people.

When I close my eyes mom and dad appears in front of me, it just fe.els like having them under my eyelashes. As mom says nothing last forever and you just can’t lean on somebody, you got to live your own life. I cry before I say it but someday mom will travel to an unknown place where I can’t reach. That’s the bitter truth of life at last it will be me and my god only.

Actually this post is just a tribute to all those Palestinian brothers and sisters dying in the war held within past two decades. It feels like ignoring the fact by not talking about them, about the trafficking over there. Some said hello to the freedom of Palestine and often said bye too, while some people like Arafat died for the cause, so salute to the legends.  It was not long ago when Vittorio Arrigoni was killed… that’s another Italian fellow who died in the same cause, Palestine is strange too.

War’s end and peace do happen in between countries but this is an endless issue. Since we started to remember there have always been some bombardments over Palestine meanwhile some big peace makers are just too busy in considering the whole globe expect one.

I guess that’s the actual reason for foaming a terrorist… it seems like that.

What amaze me about Palestine is their courage, and their patience too for living in a war field.  If somebody attacks my land and tries to bug me then ill shout everyday in fact ill create a revolution. Obvious ill make their life hell. So if that’s my intention than guess about them.  All these war heads should have been Bob Marley fans so than they’ll say one love, one heart thus problem solved =)

Once in my life time I really wanna pay a visit to Palestine, just one wish… insha Allah…


  1. It's really heartbreaking to see these things happening in the world. For civilized beings, we sure can be barbaric. :o( May Allah (swt) reward the victims and give them patience for all the hardships they face. I couldn't imagine living in a place like that.

  2. thank you haiko...

    i never expected anyone to comment on this post,, but you did... =)

    looking forward


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