So it’s another year… During this whole year 2010 I have been so much busy with my work that I didn’t even realize the way how days passed. There weren’t many things to do but wake up and work, and it is something that everybody does and it remains same for everybody. Anyway it was a memorable year with some unforgettable memories and new experiences. The fun time coffee’s and night time bike rides and day time walks were a wonderful joy. And the vivacious classes that I took, makes this year a very special year. In the beginning of the year as I mentioned in a previous post, it was a boring year but ended with a nice memorable touch … As Divya said in her post, New Year reminds us of our school days. I was always curious to know about the higher grades because I was someone who was desperately curious to see the school end. But that day really suck, missed the school. Still remember the first day of school, I will buy new books and design it with my favorite touche...