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2011's Eve

So it’s another year…

During this whole year 2010 I have been so much busy with my work that I didn’t even realize the way how days passed. There weren’t many things to do but wake up and work, and it is something that everybody does and it remains same for everybody. Anyway it was a memorable year with some unforgettable memories and new experiences. 

The fun time coffee’s and night time bike rides and day time walks were a wonderful joy.  And the vivacious classes that I took, makes this year a very special year. In the beginning of the year as I mentioned in a previous post, it was a boring year but ended with a nice memorable touch …

As Divya said in her post, New Year reminds us of our school days. I was always curious to know about the higher grades because I was someone who was desperately curious to see the school end. But that day really suck, missed the school. Still  remember the first day of school, I will buy new books and design it with my favorite touches and for about a month I will try and write my best handwriting in my books and there were times when I don’t take notes on my book in the thought of that it might be gross…  The first day new hot teachers will come and it was a fun time, they will ask names and introduction from students and it goes on and on, but sad I didn’t had that opportunity for introduction as I was famous all over the school as a nutt head lolz…

But somehow those new freshly days was not so good as I always feel very uncomfortable to be sitting with new students but as the year rolls they become friends and buddies and more then that …

Well there are some weird plans for the new year 2011 and hopefully will be updating the blog as much as possible but i know i will get so much involved in the new images that i will find  it very hard to update my blog but i will. As the new year start i will try and find some chilling and optimistic readers who can criticize my blog badly hehe... 


  1. Happy New Year! :) I remember those times when I'd be so excited for the new school year too. I'd try to write very neatly too but after a month it would just automatically get less neater everytime. I'm glad your 2010 ended well. i'A 2011 will be even better!

  2. the thought of skool freaks me out eh .. ehehe .. and yeahh happy new year bro ...

  3. nice blog.. will follow
    HAppy new year

  4. Hi, this is the first time i have ever gone through your blog..I appreciate your hard work within the limited time to update this blog and to keep this blog alive..Now you may think that who am i...right? Its not difficult to guess...i know you very well since childhood..we have been in the same class at gr4...Still i can recognize you..that's how i ended here...i don't have much time now..I have lot to do...catch ya later and wish you gudluck..keep it up.

  5. @ Haiko: thanks and nice to see you commenting first ....

    @ Dhona: Happy New Year

    @ Pripat: Glad that you like my blog and i really appreciate your follow up..

    @ Anonymous: Well i never thought that any of my classmate will ever comment on my blog but you did so its very kind of you that you have commented ... it will be a very hard task to catch you because i spent the year 2001 in three classes ... but keep in touch wit my blog hehe.. hope to find u :)

  6. great that ur 2010 ended well...
    n abt school... lol... im sick sittin at home for a whole year...n yea the whole school stuff..i do wishi cud hav dat experience.. but for one day lol....not for too long.. im done wit school but college..yep bring it on....anyways... gudluck wit 2011 and HAPPY NEW YEAR =D

  7. Happy New year Blacky


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