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Don’t be as dumb as an Elephant …

The bigger your dream, the bigger you are …
The smaller your dream, the smaller you are …

Say “I will touch the moon” then you will try to reach it. If you say “being a secretary is cool for me” then you won’t try anything bigger than that, as a result you will remain in one position.

That’s why people say don’t be as dumb as an Elephant, a baby elephant is trained near its pole, a rope will be tied in the baby elephants’ leg and the other end of the rope will be tied to a pole. So the baby elephant will get trained to be near by its pole. When the baby elephant grows bigger and bigger being able to cut the rope easily, then also the elephant won’t try to break the rope. Because the elephant feels that it can’t break the rope. It is mentally trained … people have fooled the largest mammal on land.


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